A very simple TypeScript test runner inspired by Pytest.
Looks in tsconfig.include for files ending with test
. Look in those files for functions starting with test
, and run them. Async functions are run with await
. Use the assert module for writing assertions. The return result is ignored.
Part of the Hiraeth collection.
Requires ts-node to be installed.
npm install --save-dev @eeue56/bach
Make sure your tsconfig has include
set up correctly. Then you can run bach via npx @eeue56/bach
from the project root.
See bach_test.ts for example usage.
You can also specify specific files or functions to run via flags:
--function [string...]: Run a specific function
--file [string...]: Run a specific file
--clean-exit: Don't use process.exit even if tests fail
--only-fails : Only show the tests that fail
--in-chunks number: Run tests in chunks of N files (suitable for lower memory impact)
--chunk-start number: Start running chunk at N
-h, --help : Displays help message
Bach means "small" or "little" in Welsh. It is also used as an affectionate term, much like "love" or "dear" in English. I named it bach, because I wanted the smallest possible test runner that still gave useful output.